Thursday, August 27, 2009

Erin Dineen ~ Live blog 8.19 1:20 p.m.

When thinking about customer love lately, I have had to step away and realize that my account isn’t my only customer. We each deal with many customers daily and more often than not, the roles can be reversed at the drop of a hat (sorry about the cliché but it fit). While I typically do not deal directly with Macy’s, they are my account and the main point of my ‘service’ but the customer love has to flow between many sources in order for the orders to flow properly. Even though many of my contacts are within Nike, we always need to show each other the love (again, sorry!). Sometimes, my reps turn to me to do favors for them, provide certain information etc and in doing so, I am providing them a service but the roles constantly reverse as I submit requests to them asking for extension, pricing updates and so on. The more ‘love’ we show each, the easier everyone job is and they happier we all be come. This same can hold true with our DC, the pricing team, the OM support group as well as the people who work right here on the 2nd floor of Evergreen. Basically, the moral of my story is that it in order for all of our desks for function smoothly we all need to spread the love.

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